Handling your custody case with care.
Divorce and separation are already difficult, but a child custody battle can make it much more complicated.
Attorney Lewandowski will offer sensitive and dedicated representation for your case.
As a parent, you have the right to see your children. From gaining full custody to modifying the agreement in place, Attorney Lewandowski will work hard to help get the custody resolution you want. Speak with Attorney Lewandowski about your case today.
During and after divorce, child custody battles can be significant and very sensitive situations. Let Attorney Lewandowski help you through it.
There is no doubt you want the best for your child. Let Attorney Lewandowski work to protect your rights, while finding a solution that works for you, your child, and your child's other parent.
Over the past 21 years, Attorney Lewandowski has worked to help many families find solutions for child custody concerns. When possible, he will work outside of court to find a solution that fits your family's needs. As an aggressive legal advocate, Attorney Lewandowski will go to court to protect your rights.
Our firm's focus on divorce law allows us to have a true understanding of what you are facing daily. Trust our dedicated professionals to provide you with one-on-one consultations to discuss your case. Let us help with divorce law and child custody concerns. Expect exceptional service.
In child custody and child support cases, multiple lives are at stake. Attorney Lewandowski is passionate about his role in helping you and your family. Call today for professional legal guidance.
1111 South Alpine Road, Ste. 205
Rockford, IL 61108
(815) 399-2803
Business Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.
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Office: (815) 399-1703
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