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Child Support

Experienced Child Support Attorney Rockford, IL

Make sure your children

get the support they deserve.

     Divorce can be stressful.  Make sure your children are taken care of and get the financial attention they deserve.

     Make sure all considerations are made for your child, including health insurance, child care costs, and other expenses.  We are here to help you make it happen.

- Free Consultations

- 21+ Years of Legal Experience

- Strong Advocate for Clients


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Make Sure Your Children's Rights Are Protected

Whether you want to limit exposure of your child to the other parent or seek fair amount of support, child issues are often at the heart of many contested divorce cases.  Attorney Lewandowski will attempt to establish and protect your child's best interest - from child support to custody agreement to visitation - in and out of the courtroom.

One of the most important components of any family law case involving children, aside from visitation, is that of child support.   Child support is the court ordered financial support of a child.  Child support laws legally obligate a parent to support their child whether or not they have custody of them and apply equally to children born in or out of wedlock.  Generally speaking, a parent is obligated to support their child until they turn eighteen (18) years of age, though exceptions do apply.  Child support is an ordered maintenance of support that can be revisited when changes in income or circumstance occur.  Most parents want to see that their children are well taken care of in the divorce and will work closely with their partner to ensure that the child or children's needs are met fully.  However, from time to time, there will be situations where one party disagrees with the amount that it takes to raise the child and provide for his or her needs, and in these cases the court uses Illinois statutes as a basis for deciding the support amount required for that child or children in the home.  Attorney Lewandowski can help you calculate the appropriate child support obligation.

For an initial consultation, call Attorney Lewandowski at (815) 399-1703.

Contact Us Today for an Initial Consultation


1111 South Alpine Road, Ste. 205

Rockford, IL 61108




(815) 399-1703


(815) 399-2803

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.

Child Support
Child Support

Working Toward the Best Interest of the Child

Often times, family attorneys will be asked by the client to negotiate for a higher payment amount so that children may be able to enroll in activities that will enhance or better their life, such as piano lessons or a particular sports activity.  While these activities are not always outlined in statutes, the courts do take these into consideration wherever possible as in every case it is the best interest of the child, not the parent, which is considered of top importance by the court.  Attorney Lewandowski believes that with all cases involving children a softer touch is required, and when it comes to child support we try to take the acrimony out of the case by placing the child at the center of the debate and not make this about who did not pay what, where, or when. Attorney Lewandowski knows that it is not necessarily the paying clients who count, but the children.

There are still those who play games with custody and/or child support by hiding assets or moving.  All too often the children in divorce cases are used as tools to punish the other parent.  This is where good child support lawyers will step in and take control of the situation.  Yes, we work for our clients, but when it comes to children any attorney with ethics will put aside thoughts of paychecks and work toward the best interest of the child now and in the future.  Attorney Lewandowski will always work with his clients to make sure the best interest of the child comes first.

Contact Attorney Lewandowski if You Are Having Trouble Collecting Payments

Payment schedules begin after divorce is settled in court, and many clients begin to fall behind on payments after a year or two.   If enforcement is necessary, Attorney Lewandowski can help you secure payment.

Parents with current or pending child support issues should call our office, which specializes in child custody disputes and enforcement.  No one wants to take this route, but if necessary, we will bring the case back to court for wage garnishment or change of orders.

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Attorney Daniel A. Lewandowski

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Contact us now to set up your appointment with Attorney Lewandowski.

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